Monday, 12 March 2007

Meet Coco

Since the last entry about Coco didn't even capture a hint of Coco-ness this is a long over due follow up to gain her some fans. She is my friend's 4 year old golden retriever and is a very dog-like dog (unlike Brie). She loves dogs, bones and running around.

A while back we took Brie to meet her in the hope that some of her dogginess will rub off on Brie. This idea was as far away from reality as possible. Just like I thought, Coco was ecstatic about Brie and she wanted a sniff, but Brie on the other hand was a bit frightened of the friendly welcoming and she decided to curl up on my husband's knee. Poor Coco. I hope she isn't traumatised by poodles. Hopefully one day they can share amicable doggie greetings.

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