Poor poor Brie, her attempt at some quiet sunbathing has failed miserable for the third day in a row. Her favorite spot was soaked, so she just had to make do with next best thing - on the bed. She still gets sunlight and the view, but maybe a little too much for her liking. Brie, do you need sunglasses, you are squinting so much you look like you have your eyes closed.
On the other hand, I have a little new finding about Brie. In past I read that if you yawn, your dog copies, and it is one way to calm the dog down. And it works sometimes, she doesn't calm down, but she definitely copies. So I was wondering that if I wiggle my nose, just like in "Bewitched", she might mimic me. Despite how poor my nose wiggling is, Brie still copies. It's rather fascinating I thought. I'm sure my biased observation isn't very scientific but give it a try!

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