When I used to take Brie to puppy play school the people there said that chicken necks are a perfect treat as they are cheap, they clean teeth and dogs love them. But this idea was unanimously voted off at our house as the thought of raw chicken necks left behind by Brie on my couch and bed everywhere was not something I was looking forward to. So I decide to give Brie unflavoured cooked lamb bones. Which she loved, still I don’t like the idea of Brie smearing lamb bits everywhere so I tend to give it to her in her crate. This was a huge success, Brie just stayed in the crate chewing away for ages. Then a couple days ago we used them as a staying at home treat, because she has to stay at home by herself. When I got home there was a distinct lamb aroma emanating from the cushions. Hmmm….. I don’t think Brie did her chewing in the crate.

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