Brie's new thing at the moment is to jump into the car and peer out. She gains confidence as she feels bigger and taller when she is in the car, although we have smallest town car in the world. However as she isn't tall enough to look out of the window she stands on her hind legs, but this gets tiring for a small dog like Brie, so what the general public sees is an unrecognisable ball of white fluff that's bobbing up and down in the car window. So today when I returned to the car after picking up a magazine, the lady who had parked her car next us said that she wasn't sure if what she saw was cat or dog, but she that it is devilishly cute. Once we got in the car my husband and I had a chuckle about how truthfully she captured Brie's personality, but I'm sure she doesn't really know how devilish Brie can get sometimes.

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