As I mentioned before, I'm convinced that Brie has an identity crisis. She has no idea that she's a female toy poodle. She is a dog that prefers people over other doggies, and she hates getting her bum smelt by other dogs. And if we're lucky we may see her smell other dogs noses????? yes very questionable behaviour for a dog.
In her spare time she like to graze on grass like a sheep, I noticed her noticing a family of sheep the other day. She may think that they are her own kind. Another alarming habit that she picked up lately is that she does her business while lifting up one leg like a male dog. And last but not least she uses pillows when she goes to sleep like people!! After carefully analysing the data collected by me, I have come to the conclusion she think she is a male half human half sheep monster. And I have to emphasise this point clearly that she didn't get this trait from me. I blame my husband.

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